We remember having heard General Jauneaud denounce the presence at his trial of two English officers, considering that it was: “not fortuitous within the confines of a tribunal assembled to condemn to silence the one who was the youngest general of the French army, the one who knew too much…”
It is therefore probably not useless to investigate further the way in which the English participated in the family secret, because we know well that their silence for eighty years is as eloquent as that of the French governments…
This is why I propose – in case some still doubt the collusion of ALL the governments concerned – a masterpiece of its kind in the great register of lies:
The minutes of the Supreme Inter-Allied Council of April 9, 1940.
Meeting during which the French and British representatives (Chamberlain-Churchill, and Reynaud-Daladier) will feign surprise at the time of the German attack against Denmark and Norway, when we know that the leaders of all these countries were informed of Hitler’s intentions by the German resistance networks, this from the first days of March[1].
To describe this meeting to us, we will follow Mr. François Bédarida, who devoted an excellent work perfectly documented on the question, but whose comments leave pensive…
“The Supreme Council of April 9, 1940 constitutes a special case in the series of Supreme Councils. Decided on the spur of the moment following the invasion, learned in the early morning, of Norway and Denmark, it stands without any preparation, without even a real agenda.
It was in the morning, during the French War Committee meeting urgently at the Elisée at ten o’clock, that the idea of immediate consultation with British civilian and military leaders was adopted.
Chamberlain having also given his agreement, the French leaders (except Gamelin who remains in Paris to prepare a possible entry into Belgium) take the plane for London at noon and the Supreme Council sits in Downing Street in the middle of the afternoon. . »
Today is April 9. The official version, offered here by an expert, claims that General Gamelin, whose role as General-in-Chief of the Allied Armies is BEFORE ANYTHING to participate in his meetings, simply decided to stay in Paris to prepare a “possible entry into Belgium”…
In reality, we know that the Dyle Breda plan has been defined since November, and that if its designer is really busy to the point of not being able to attend this meeting, it is because on this date he is in the process of modifying it totally to add the “trap on the Meuse”.
A trap of which all his allies are warned, at least at the highest level!
Another notable implausibility: If this attack had really been such a “surprise”, wouldn’t his presence have been more than ever essential to agree on the follow-up to be given?
Once again, all this does not add up.
Let’s see what happens next: “Meeting organized in haste (the only possible comparison would be with the Supreme Council of April 27, also set up in disaster) the meeting took place in an atmosphere, if not of panic, at least of haste, of anxiety and uncertainty. (-) At all times telegrams arrive. Some of them are passed on feverishly to heads of government and sitting ministers. Following the debate, one is struck by the look of strategy in the chamber – not to say Café du Commerce – that the discussion takes on several times. The report is therefore undoubtedly the least rich of the series of minutes of the Supreme Council, although it appears instructive by the atmosphere it reveals and several questions of primary importance were raised during the course of trade. »
It is interesting to note that the author, even if he is far from suspecting the slightest desire to fool archivists and historians, notes an unusual atmosphere among the participants. As if these gentlemen were detached from reality. A feeling that one finds when reading the minutes of the same meeting from the pen of four different witnesses: Villelume, Churchill, Reynaud, and Ironside…
Let us now see how Mr. Bédarida will convey the notion of “surprise”: “It is that the Allies, despite several reports from their Intelligence services, were completely taken aback. Nobody seems to have expected the blow, nor to have foreseen it. »
Always this magnificent apparent naivety on the part of the historian: “despite several reports from the SRs”…
Besides, how could these contributions interest the reader, who is only supposed to be interested in the analyzes of the expert!
“As General Spears humorously writes: ‘We could not have been more amazed if, while watching a gangster movie, we had suddenly seen real gangsters come out of the screen. »
I recall that six days earlier, on April 3, Colonel Oster informed that the embarkation of the troops had begun at the port of Stetin, and that the attack would begin on the 9th!
So let’s grant General Spears, head of Her Majesty’s Intelligence Services, that, in the register of tasty digressions, he had nothing to envy to other “witnesses” such as Beaufre, Paillole, Ruby or Minart.
Let us now see if the French will be as gifted: “Paul Baudoin, who recognizes in his memories that “On the night of April 8 to 9, the German reaction burst like a clap of thunder” recounted how, meeting very early in the Office of the President of the Council, Reynaud and his collaborators, after having feverishly awaited the arrival of the atlases, began to search laboriously on the maps for the location of the Norwegian towns mentioned in the telegrams, while sour exchanges opposed Reynaud to Gamelin. »
So here are the highest civil and military officials, who for months have been preparing an attack in Norway to cut off the Reich’s iron supply, suddenly wondering where the country’s main ports are!!!
Apparently Mr. Baudoin – of whom everyone can already guess the decisive role he played in the dismissal of Gamelin and the overthrow of the Third Republic – would also compete for the First Prize, for the best gag to serve in History.
As for the general staff of the British army, it also had a field day:
“In his Memoirs, General Ismay confesses that he, who was at the center of the entire British military information and decision-making apparatus, found himself awakened at dawn on April 9 by a call from the duty officer to the War Cabinet who announced to him, stammering in astonishment, the news of the German attack: “While I was dressing at top speed,” he comments, “I understood for the first time in my life the devastating effect and demoralizing surprise”.
Either a first draft of the version of the sleeping castle of May 10 and the indisputable material proof of the Franco-English understanding as to the family secret since Ismay, at the head of the British SRs, claims to have never heard of the results obtained by the allied SRs for a few years… We understand how “devastated” it could have been. Which brings us back once again to the constant concern, that both French and English would have had, that above all no harm happens to the Germans.
“However, it is precisely on the advantage of surprise that the Germans counted above all by mounting an expedition as unbelievable as Operation Weserübung. A month earlier, to the day, (Admiral) Raeder, in his report to Hitler, had expressed himself in these terms: “The operation in itself is contrary to all the principles of naval warfare. According to these principles, it should only be carried out if we had superiority at sea. But we do not. On the contrary, we must carry out the operation by confronting the British fleet which is very superior to us. »
In fact 99% better! Since we know that on this date, after the great battles at sea of the “phoney war”, the German fleet practically no longer exists.[2]
The last large ships will be sunk or heavily damaged during this battle in Norway!
“Despite this, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy believes that, provided surprise is complete, our troops can and will be transported successfully to Norway. In many circumstances in military history, it is the very operations that went against all principles that have succeeded, but on one condition: surprise.
And we see here that the inevitable “surprise effect”, a major pillar of the Blitzkrieg theory, also worked at sea!
The allies, however perfectly informed on all the details of this German operation on Norway for weeks, were not there to wait for the Germans. Either a new “incomprehensible blindness” certified by a report of the Supreme Inter-Allied Council!
The report then describes the sequence of events, before concluding:
“Only in Oslo is the unexpected resistance of Oscarborg Fortress somewhat delaying the conquest of the city. »
“Unexpected” resistance from the Norwegians warned in time by Roessler. Which cost the heavy cruiser Blücher to the German fleet, sunk at dawn by the guns of the fort….
New demonstration that when some officers “forget” to be surprised, the bill is no longer the same.
“All in all, on the morning of April 9, the Germans made themselves masters of the principal ports, the airfields and the capital of Norway, as well as the whole of Danish territory: A new and brilliant demonstration of the power of war -flash. »
End of quote (Bédarida The secret strategy of the phoney war pages 363, 364, 365)
Magnificent conclusion of the “expert”: “Blitzkrieg” has also become a maritime concept.
After the revealing one of April 9, let’s come, with the testimony of General Spears, to another Inter-Allied Council during which the absence of French planes on the North-East front was mentioned: “Churchill spoke to me about the change extraordinary attitude of the French at the Supreme Council held in Paris on 22 April. There was no longer talk of outside adventures but, as if the scales had fallen from their eyes, they now revealed a picture, which was all too accurate, (emphasis mine) of Allied weakness compared to their situation during the previous war. “We find ourselves,” said Reynaud, “faced with a growing superiority of the enemy. The current ratio is already three to two and will soon be two to one. As for equipment, Germany had the advantage, both in aviation and artillery and in ammunition supplies. »
However, this “testimony” claiming that President Paul Reynaud had, on the eve of the battle, no idea of the forces present, can only mean two things:
– Either that the real figures would have been hidden from him at the same time by Daladier, Gamelin and all the military and political leaders, including the parliamentarians, since it was debated in the Assembly.
– Either that Reynaud knowingly concealed them, always with the aim of engaging the British to help more actively and quickly in the common defence. Which is the most logical proposition.
However, in both cases, the testimony of General Spears published in 1954 in its English version shows that, like the other British and French generals who participated in the general masquerade, he lied.
Indeed, as we saw in volume N°1, the real German figures were already perfectly known from September 25, 1939 by Lieutenant-Colonel de Villelume, head of President Reynaud’s military cabinet. As for the French figures, we know that they were known to the entire staff.
So how can we imagine that the French and British SRs, who had been working together for months, did not exchange this essential information?
On the other hand, we know from Colonel Masson, head of the Swiss SRs interviewed by Mr. Accoce, that he transmitted all the information obtained from Rudolf Roessler to the Vice-Consul of Great Britain in Geneva, Mr. Victor Farell.
This “error” of the boss of the British intelligence services (MI6) is therefore only one of the countless lies of the state version.
Another demonstration of the virtuosity of the head of the British MI6 in terms of “conflicting”: “What remained incomprehensible to me was the complete paralysis of the French command in the face of events. That they were surprised was normal, but that they did not react with courage and speed was not. »
Indeed, what could be more “normal” than to be “surprised” by an attack of which we know all the details? …
“They seemed to have no plan. No action indicative of a manly reaction seemed to have been taken, or even contemplated, until Weygand’s arrival. All of this passed the understanding, I was told. »
End of quote (Spears Disaster Testimony page 129, 186)
Yes… It is indeed the case to say it. Especially since General Dill was present at the meeting of the 19th at Bondons, and had assured that plan N°4 would be executed without fail by the English!
Other curiosities worth noting in this report of April 22, 1940: “M. Paul Reynaud wishes to draw a picture of the current situation. In the land domain, the Allies find themselves in a position of inferiority from three points of view:
1° From a geographical point of view, the Germans have the advantage of acting on interior lines while the Allies must mount their operations on exterior lines. (-)
2° From the staffing point of view
3° From the point of view of armaments.
As far as manpower is concerned, the Allies currently have only around 100 divisions, compared to 190 German divisions, of which 150 can be engaged on the western front. »
On this point, we know that Paul Reynaud subtly does not count the Belgian and Dutch divisions, on which he is nevertheless certain to be able to count, and does not recall that on May 10, 135 German divisions will face 151 Allied divisions.
“As far as war material is concerned, the current situation is as follows: The Germans have a marked superiority when it comes to aviation and flak. They probably also have a certain superiority for artillery and ammunition stocks. It should not be forgotten that the Reich seized considerable booty in Czechoslovakia and Poland. »
Again, we know these numbers are wrong. And that all the officials present knew it perfectly! [3]
“What are the prospects for the future from this point of view? The Allies are undeniably making great efforts, but it is not possible to assign precise figures or coefficients to these efforts so as to establish a comparison with the German effort. »
New astonishing statement: Paul Reynaud claims not to know how much material the Allies have!
And we are, once again, at the crossroads of enchantments!
“Certainly the Allies have the advantage of being able to make major purchases in the United States. But even taking this last factor into account, it is impossible to say that the Allies could acquire an overwhelming superiority over the adversary. (-)
Remains the weapon of the blockade. (-)
The oil problem is particularly difficult, because Germany has powerful means of action as a supplier, which is Romania. If the Reich attacks the latter country, it seems impossible to prevent it from occupying it entirely.
Undoubtedly certain accidents of the kind which occurred during the last war could happen to the Rumanian wells; but a destruction of these wells would not be sustainable. »
End of quote (Bédarida The secret strategy of the phoney war pages 415, 416, 417, 418)
Here we will see in a future volume that this problem of seizing Romanian oil did not arise before the attack. We are therefore in the field of projection.
In reality, aware of the statements of Senator Jacques Bardoux and the figures provided by General Serrigny Paul Reynaud, like the highest French political leaders, knew perfectly well that Hitler would not have more than two months of ammunition and gasoline to defeat. Estimation that he officially confirmed in his speech to the Senate on May 16, 1940, and corroborated by the most recent studies, such as that of Mr Tooze. [4]
And the conclusion leaves no room for any doubt: 20 days before the German attack, the scales did not “fall out of Paul Reynaud’s eyes”. On the other hand, the fundamental lie of the omnipotence of industry and the German army was in the process of being officially established in the logic of the tale.
In reality, we know perfectly well that “everyone knew everything about everyone”, not only about the real capabilities of the armies, or about the plans that were going to be implemented, but also about the intentions of each other.
And the best proof of this perfect knowledge of each other’s intentions, as well as of the major issues, brings us back once again to big black capital and its linchpins through another perfectly explicit example, that of the trip that Mr. Jacques Allier, member of the Management Board of the Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas, in charge of relations with the Norwegian Nitrogen Company (Norsk Hydro) – which the Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas had helped to create in 1905 with the Wallenberg group.
Mandated by Mr. Raoul Dautry, French Minister of Armaments and Republican architect of rearmament under Daladier, he arrived in Oslo in February 1940, a month and a half before the German attack and while the “Manstein” plan was still in progress. study, to ask the director to give him the 200 liters of heavy water that the factory had produced and which could have been used by the Germans to make an atomic bomb.
This heavy water, given free so that it escapes the Nazis will be transferred to the cellars of the Collège de France in Paris in March, then evacuated to London before the defeat.
This is yet another demonstration that the Allies and neutral countries were fully warned, not only by their best agents, but also by the means of “big interests” and European cartels of Hitler’s plan to attack Norway.
And how could it have been otherwise?
Thus, is it not clear that all the governments involved in the major issues of this war, both in Europe and in the United States or Russia, have respected the same omerta! Their witnesses lied, in the same proportion as the French and for approximately the same reasons. Their historians knowingly either distorted the truth or avoided the inconvenient questions under the same threats.
And when they had the misfortune to insist, questioning their governments like many British and American researchers quoted in the introduction, they were accused of serving conspiracy theories, or even violently countered by the Secret Services of their own country!
This was the case for Mr. Martin Allen – whom we know well for having denounced the Windsor plot and many other British betrayals on which we will return very largely – when he evoked the innumerable networks under the control of the American government and the Grand black capital, passing through neutral countries, in order to exploit and then secure in tax havens the spoils of Nazi plunder in Europe.
When his work came out, he was falsely accused of having added falsified archives to those that existed in order to support his study. Accusation followed by all the military “historians” and other French historical-commercial that we know.
This while we easily recognize in this maneuver the expertise of the Action Services (MI6) of Her Gracious Majesty, specialists in forgery and use.
Services which I defy to raise my accusation, by proving the contrary, for that would require them to demonstrate that His Majesty’s Government would have had no interest in destroying the reputation of a respected historian. So that there was never French military treason, and that Big Black Capital, as well as the British European Party, had nothing to do with this war!
And we understand better why I took the precaution of never, or almost never, consulting the archives, and of basing myself only on writings known to all. Works written by the best academics going completely in the direction of Mr. Allen and that the secret services of his Majesty will have great difficulty in all discrediting.
If they ever have the honesty to open them…
We also understand that, because it is very risky to question the “theory” of the conspiracy, on the other side of the Channel the colleagues of Mr Allen took the part of expressing themselves with the most extreme precautions, such as Mr. Julian Jackson, who, in a collective work, “dared” to affirm under the title:
Strange French defeat, or strange English victory?
“Many facts are there to remind us that tendencies towards collaboration with the Nazis existed at least as much in Great Britain as in France. To imagine Lloyd Georges or the Duke of Windsor in the role of Pétain is far from absurd. (-) Famous military specialist Basil Liddle Hart believed in March 1940 that Britain should negotiate as quickly as possible the best terms (of dealing with Germany) since there is no way to ‘avoid defeat’. Liddle Hart resisted until the end of the war, fearing that a German defeat would lead to Soviet domination of the European continent. He sees in Hitler a reasonable statesman. (-)
Whatever the ulterior motives of one or the other in this debate, one thing is clear: The idea of seeking the terms of peace was on the agenda of the British government at the end of May 1940.
End of quote (May – June 1940 French defeat, German victory, under the eye of foreign historians pages 177, 198, 204)
“since there is no way to avoid defeat”.
Be the common message sent by all the members of the international conspiracy to the Peoples amazed at so much nerve!
And we are no longer surprised that the Blitzkrieg theory was invented by this military historian, and that it brought him so many medals from governments, and so much media coverage. So such a fine fortune. Such a great talent deserves recognition!
Insolence bringing us back to the documents discovered by Mr. Delpla evoking the contacts made by Lord Halifax with the Italians in an attempt to short-circuit Churchill, [5] and therefore requiring no further comment for the moment.
Another victim of this deliberate desire to cover up betrayal:
Therefore, it is expressly recommended not to provide any information or documentation to addresses located in the Soviet zone (i.e. in the German Democratic Republic).
Four months later, publications issued under the aegis of the Federal Service for the Protection of the Constitution repeated this kind of warning with even more precision. It was written there:
“If you receive a letter from a certain Julius Mader, do not answer and forward it to the competent Security Services… The current work which Mader is currently working on is to be published under the following title: Hitler’s Spy Generals Depose…
From these reactions, which also underline the necessity and topicality of my work, we can objectively deduce several points:
– First, Hitler’s spy generals benefit from complicities even within West German political circles, but these accomplices are no longer unknown to us.
– Secondly, each of the former officers of the Secret Service of Hitler’s Army had the opportunity to demonstrate their break with their past and to contribute to History by telling the only Truth.
– Third, it has become clear that capitalist circles and high officials of the federal administration have an interest in keeping the past activity of a large number of Nazi war criminals in the shadows by thwarting any investigation of them. »
So of course, I can already hear the “accredited experts” affirming that this work by Mr. Mader was undoubtedly a propaganda tool for the benefit of East Germany, and that it must be placed in the context of the Cold War, before judging its validity.
If so, please answer this…
Indeed, concerning the privileged relations between the Nazi Reich and the “democracies” in the Anglo-Saxon style, it is not in vain to come back to yet another “forgotten detail”: The importance that the intelligence services of the Wehrmacht (Abwehr) during the Hitler period, then after the war.
Importance largely minimized since, by highlighting the action of some Democratic officers who fought with all their might against Nazism, such as Admiral Canaris, Oster, or Lahoussen, but about whom we must not forget that they were, for the only part that could be demonstrated, responsible in 12 European countries, without counting the USSR, for the execution or the deportation of 1 million 277 754 resistance fighters and anti-fascist sympathizers.
It was these Abwehr leaders, renamed anti-Communists for the purposes of the fairy tale, who were carefully protected after the war by the American government, then re-infiltrated to the highest level of responsibility in Germany from the West, such:
Joseph Müller, who became one of the Bavarian leaders of the Christian Democratic Party, or Hermann Götz, member of the executive committee of the CDU branch in Hesse, chairman of the committee for refugees, and of the working committee on “internal and external security questions” , director of the federal work community for assistance to soldiers, member of the Ackermanngemeinde within the Society of Sudeten compatriots, Member of Parliament in Bonn from 1949 and, from 1968, Chairman of the Work Commission of social policy of the CDU / CSU group in the Bundestag.
Among the early members of the FDP we also find Doctor Victor Hoven who was once captain and battalion commander in the Brandenburg division of the Abwehr, the section in charge of the liquidation of opponents, who had formed a “fifth column fascist in Belgium.
In 1954, this senior Nazi official already sat in the F.D.P. of the Land of Nordrhein-Westfalen, and in 1957 entered the Bundestag.
Another notorious example: The captain of the Abwehr 2, Theodor Oberländer, a former Nazi Gauleiter who first reappeared on the political scene as a member of the F.D.P. to then become president of the Federal Association of Refugees and Despoiled (BHE) and finally land, in 1956, in the CDU of Adenauer.
Same presence at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Vice-Admiral Léopold Bürkner, former head of the foreign service under Canaris, who in 1949 became adviser to the ministers of foreign affairs, or even Otto Wagner, alias Doctor Delius, colonel at the Abwehr and head of the K.O. of Bulgaria who, with his friend Commander Alexander Cellarius, former head of the K.O. of Finland Estonia, will become Permanent Advisors to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for South-Eastern and North-Eastern European issues.
And all of this is understandable, if we remember that these ties were not new, since these men of the Abwehr found unconditional support from the highest German representatives of international high finance, such as Hermann Abs , who became chairman and managing director of Deutsche Bank after the war and adviser to successive chancellors of the West German republic, but who occupied in 1942 as chairman of the board of directors of the state bank and representative of the IG Farben, around 40 management positions in industrial companies both in Germany and abroad. That in this capacity, and in full collaboration with the Herman Goering Werke, he exercised a direct influence on La Minière du Sud-Est (under Goering’s control) and Continental Oil (under the control of J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil by the Ohio Oil Company) in the Netherlands, in Luxembourg, in Austria, in Czechoslovakia, in Poland, in the Balkan states and within the “Russia” committee as far as the occupied territories of the Caucasus, putting the commercial and industrial information obtained by its spy services in the service of the Abwehr.
We can therefore affirm, without fear of being contradicted, that these trusts under American control, and the German secret services worked throughout the war, hand in hand, in order to organize the looting of Europe.
Here is what Dr. Ilgner, former director of the “NW 7 office” (subversion department) of IG Farben, and vice-president of the Central European Economic Committee, confessed to his contacts with the Canaris before the commission of inquiry of the American military tribunal in Nuremberg: “The Abwehr, like the service of the war economy, wanted to obtain economic information on foreign countries and was very interested in research from the department of political economy… It is true that the information of IG Farben was so complete that there was not the slightest change to be made in its methods of investigation. The political economy department of the IG was then the best and most comprehensive in Germany…”
And what better source of intelligence to identify all the goods still lootable in Europe, then to organize the control of the greatest industrial power of the continent?
Thus we understand better why in 2019, Germany suddenly seemed to discover that more than half of the politicians and senior civil servants in office in the post-war years were former active Nazis…”[6]
So while waiting for our experts to oppose other archives and testimonies to those put forward by Mr. Mader, let our witness conclude: “But the fact that in the end my book saw the light of day clearly shows that the arm of German imperialism is no longer long enough to mutilate historical truth, to prevent the revelation of facts which contribute to its knowledge.
It is in this spirit of respect for historical truth that I thank the personalities and the management of the services of the German Democratic Republic and of other countries who have provided me with effective assistance by communicating their archives to me.
I would particularly like to thank the working “team” of former intelligence officers who organized numerous contacts for me in the two Germanys and contributed, through the mass of their information, to the raw material of this work. »
End of quote (Mader German generals depose – Introduction)
Everyone knows that the list of former Nazis totally subservient to the “Liberators” and their international interests who have reached the highest positions of responsibility in the post-war German state is impressive. The only crime of M. Julius Mader was therefore to quote them, when they should have been “forgotten”.
Just as it was necessary to remove from the fairy tale the “Octagon” system set up by Allen Dulles, still at the head of the American Secret Service, using the gold stolen from the Peoples of Europe by the SS.
A network which, drawing on this “war chest” sheltered in Swiss coffers, mounted a new arms traffic to rearm Germany and gave all the financial means to the CDU to elect its candidate Konrad Adenauer in the Chancellery to lead the Cold War. [7]
And we understand better why Adenauer replaced in command positions men such as Reinhard Gehlen, personal liaison officer in May 1940 between Field Marshal von Brauchitsch and Guderian’s army group, so a man who could only be informed of the French betrayal, to make him the head of the West German secret service and thus put hundreds of other senior Nazi officials at the service of the CIA.
Just back from the elevator…
[1] See Volume N° 1: French military betrayal and Volume N°2: Controversies on some “forgotten” betrayals
[2] See volume 1: French military betrayal
[3] For artillery: 7,378 German guns against 14,000 for the allies. For tanks: 2,439 German tanks against 4,204 Allied tanks. For aviation: 2,589 German planes, against nearly 6,000 Allied planes of equivalent quality.
[4] See Volume N°1: French military betrayal
[5] See also volume N°2: Controversies on some “forgotten” betrayals
[6] Note to the attention of curious readers, the publication in 2005 of a work of more than 700 pages, written by Mr. Ernst Klee entitled: Das Personen lexikon zum drittent Reich. Wer war was vor und nach 1945? proposing the list of thousands of Nazis who obtained post-war high positions in multinationals, or within the German government.
[7] [7] This shell company was created in Switzerland by the arms dealer Rudolf de Ruscheweyh who had made himself known as an intermediary between the Swiss machine tool factory Oerlikon-Bührle, entirely bought between 1927 and 1929 by Herr Emil Jorg Bührle one of the officers already involved in the secret rearmament of Germany in Russia and who, since then, mainly produced anti-aircraft guns sold to both the Allies and the Axis forces. It was under this cover that Ruscheweyh was able to organize the flight of Nazi capital to tax havens and the offshore accounts of Big Black Capital.
After the war, this economically “out of control” system of “democracies” was therefore able to freely reestablish links with “American friends” through the intermediary of Allen Dulles, head of the OSS in Switzerland (ancestor of the CIA), who immediately recruited the former Nazis he needed, in particular the SS who had the upper hand on this treasure and the members of the Secret Services who had been in charge of locating the goods to be looted.
The company Octogon Trust, officially specialized in wealth management and import-export, was then responsible for organizing the flight of war criminals, especially to South America, where they will once again serve Big Black Capital, fomenting on demand the “spontaneous revolutions” or “counter-revolutions” necessary for the overthrow of governments that are too republican…. This system will be described in all its details in the volumes to be published. And for the impatient in: The Testament of Sidney Warburg
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