Everyone will have understood that the Vichy State and then the 4th and 5th Republics were keen to conceal the military betrayal.
However, if we can understand the interest of Pétain and his Cagoulard friends, and even of General de Gaulle, very busy restoring the prestige of France, we obviously understand less why and how this “family secret” was so long preserved from the 1960s to the present day.
In view of the position found by France within the concert of Nations, nothing justified such a departure from republican principles.
Another big question: Why haven’t the other democracies concerned revealed the pot of roses?
After all, if we can understand the attitude of Germany, the main accomplice, how can we understand that of the victims: England, Belgium, Holland etc…
There is of course something “incomprehensible” there and which we will of course see in great detail during our investigation to follow on the major imperial issues and those of the world cartels.
In the meantime, and since the purpose of this site of Angry Historians is to make you understand the reasons for our resentment, it is not in vain to teach you that the French revisionist researchers were not the only ones to be savagely fought so that the omerta remains.
To be certain, I offer three striking examples concerning three leading revisionist historians: In the United States, in England and in Germany.
Antony Sutton and the rumor
So let’s go back to Mr. Antony Sutton, economist and historian of British origin, researcher at Stanford University – where he was able to analyze thousands of archives concerning the responsibilities of Wall Street from the Hoover Foundation for five years –
Then a professor at the very famous University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) where the nation’s elite is trained;
It was he who, all names, dates and figures in support, denounced, from the 1960s, the part played by Wall Street in the coming to power of the Bolsheviks in Russia and Hitler in Germany, then the existing links between Wall Street and the great German and Russian trusts, and finally the extent of the responsibilities of the finest jewels of American industry in the rearmament of these two countries.
However, here is the article published about it – and still online in 2021 – on the famous participatory encyclopedia Wikipedia, well known for the fact that it offers everyone the possibility of integrating an article of their own, without any serious control. .
A particularly tendentious article, presenting this researcher recognized by all his colleagues and the best intellectuals for his honesty, as a leader of American conspiracy theorists!
Article that I reproduce here, according to my good habit, in its entirety, so as not to be suspected of counterfeiting:
Antony Cyril Sutton
Key data |
Birth |
14 February 1925 |
Dead |
17 June 2002 (à 77 ans) |
Nationalité |
British |
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Antony Cyril Sutton, born February 14, 1925 and died June 17, 2002, was a British-born American economist and essayist, a historical figure of conspiracy theorist in the United States.
Sutton was a research fellow at Stanford in the Hoover Foundation from 1968 to 1973. He taught economics at UCLA. He studied in London, Göttingen and UCLA and received a doctorate in science from the University of Southampton, England. [ref. desired]
Historian Bernard Bruneteau observes that Sutton, “an ultra-conservative British economist turned American […] has constantly denounced since the 1970s the globalist projects of the American banking establishment, accused in addition of having favored both the advent of the Bolsheviks and Hitler in order to better control Russia and Germany in the future2. The works of the economist are thus praised by Pierre de Villemarest, journalist and writer of the extreme right, for whom “Sutton was the only author who has ever dissected the contracts thanks to which the Nazi and Soviet totalitarianisms were able to live and survive economically “.
In addition, Bernard Bruneteau notes that Alain Soral draws his references relating to a so-called “Jewish globalization by essence” in “old ideological channels”, those of “the current vulgate of the “Judeo-Bolshevism” of the entre- wars6″, but also among “authors of today, presented as ‘historians’ or experts on their subjects, but belonging more to a category of radical or marginal essayists, these ‘proletaroid intellectuals’ described in time by Max Weber7. ” Distributed by Equality and Reconciliation, the publications of Antony Sutton, Anne Kling and Daniel Estulin thus aim to “accredit the thesis of the common origin of the dual globalist impulse of the 20th century – liberal and Marxist. »
According to Sutton, the elite of Skull and Bones society would develop a vision of mass education advocating not individualism but integration into an organic society – a vision inspired by Hegel’s doctrine on the absolute state. In this type of state, the individual finds his freedom through obedience to the laws of the state. Individual liberties, for their part, must submit to a rational tyranny9. In addition, Sutton argues that Wilhelm Wundt’s theory of the similarities between animal and human psychology10 as well as Hegel’s notion of the conflict that creates history11 are integral to Skull & Bones ideology. Thus the conflict between a thesis and an antithesis gives a synthesis and if the thesis-antithesis process is under the control of this society, the synthesis will necessarily follow from its will. In this case, it is a question of the organization, by an elite society, of the conflict Marxism – Nazism with the aim of establishing a single world ideology [unclear] 11. For Sutton, the ultimate synthesis of Skull & Bones is the New World Order12. [not clear]
On the links between Wall Street and Franklin Delano Roosevelt
For Sutton, the action of Franklin Delano Roosevelt was done in the interest of American high finance by his New Deal and by other laws promulgated from 1933.
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In this article several characteristic points of the way of proceeding of the secret services, in order to discredit the people whose existence we would like to forget:
First, the article is skilfully written in such a way that an uninformed person can estimate that the most honest and prestigious historians would share the author’s analysis.
While not a word, not a quote supports this narrative bias.
Next, the anonymous author quotes Mr. Bernard Bruneteau, whose field of expertise and work have nothing to do with American imperialism and who, if he sometimes quotes Sutton, does so in a completely superficial way, and without ever accusing him of conspiracy;
Another expert quoted: Mr. Pierre André Taguieff, an excellent historian who has perfectly demonstrated the vices and hidden intentions of the conspiracy theses.
However, in his work cited in reference by the author of this article on Wikipedia, and entitled: the fair for the enlightened, Mr. Taguieff never puts Mr. Sutton in question!
In reality :
On the one hand, pages 262 and following of this work, given in demonstration of the highly conspiratorial vision of Mr. Sutton, do not speak of the subjects evoked by Sutton, but of totally different subjects, and without ever even mentioning closely or by far its name.
It is therefore a pure and simple fake.
On the other hand, the appended document, in which another author evokes the personality of Sutton and the quality of his work, is entirely in his favour. Far from assimilating it in any way to a conspiratorial thesis, on the contrary he praises Sutton and his works, admiring the quality of the archives presented and the seriousness of his research!
So, aside from perhaps the expanded and critical view of Skull and Bones society,
– American secret society founded at Yale University and to which the main figures of what I call the Big Black American Capital belonged, and still belong –
this article is a perfect demonstration of how some people are in charge of misinforming the Peoples.
Because what interest would any individual have in lying so blatantly?
It is clear that this historical fraudster took advantage of Wikipedia, and the fact that most people do not check the references provided, to smear Mr. Sutton’s memory and discredit his work.
Unfortunately for him, we read…
Another example of these attempts at demonization:
This excellent author to whom we owe two essential works for understanding the Second World War and the major issues of the 20th century: The King Who Betrayed and The Strange Journey of Rudolf Hess, also had to deal with the secret services, but British this time, and during his lifetime.
Indeed, in his last work dealing with the essential participation of Himmler – leader of the SS – in the plundering of Europe in favor of the Big black capital, Mr. Allen returns in detail to the existing links between the Big black capital, Wall Street, tax havens, and the Nazis, when it was necessary – during and after the war – to secure the precious booty.
He further asserts that Himmler would quite logically have been assassinated by the Allies, as so many prominent witnesses were, not only by the British, Americans and French, but also by the Germans, since Hitler had shortly before his death a few hundred essential witnesses, who could have denounced both the French military treason and the world conspiracy.
Here is the Wikipedia article regarding. Allen, still in its integral version
Martin Allen
For similar articles, see Allen.
Not to be confused with Martin Allen (soccer).
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Martin Allen
Biographie |
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Martin Allen is a British writer, author of three history books.
In a book published in 2005, Martin Allen affirms, based on documents from the British national archives, that Himmler would have been assassinated by the Allies1, a thesis which is supported by David Irving. This book by Allen is still qualified as an excellent work in the Journal of Military History of July 2006.
A few months after the publication of the book, and on the initiative of the Telegraph newspaper, the officials of the British national archives had a specialist appraise certain documents on which Allen relied. The expert concludes that several of these documents are forgeries. According to the article published on this subject by the Telegraph in July 2005, there is nothing to suggest that Martin Allen was in bad faith by using these falsified sources.
Another fake is detected among the documents he used as a source for his book (The King Who Betrayed, Ed. Plon, 2000) on the supposed betrayal of the Duke of Windsor.
The British archives refrained from pressing charges due to the state of health of Martin Allen.
Notes and references
We find that this time, the unknown author of this article is not looking for false arguments, he is content to cite a few facts.
By forgetting of course to give Mr. Allen’s version of these accusations of embezzlement.
Then he concludes with a laconic: “The British archives refrained from filing a complaint because of the state of health of Martin Allen”
Supposed, in reality, to endorse in a roundabout way the thesis of falsification, by this absence of commentary or analysis;
Indeed, knowing the state of health of Mr. Allen, which is not worrying, is it not more logical that the outcome of a trial being uncertain, it was more prudent to let a demeaning doubt? What is called the rumor…
Another argument in this direction: this accusation was followed with enthusiasm by all the historical-commercial French that we know very well today for their participation in the thesis of the “incomprehensible Blitzkrieg” or that of a war waged by the powers of the Good to those of Evil, and which you will easily find on the Internet because they are well known for having sung the praises of the splendid British democracy, the royal family and Churchill.
Praises of course greeted by numerous literary prizes, honorary titles and prebends, and even in the case of Mr. Kersaudy by his elevation to the rank of dignitary of the Order of the British Empire …
In reality, how could one imagine that Mr. Martin Allen, recognized worldwide by his peers for his courage and his intellectual honesty, could have risked his reputation and his career by contravening in such a stupid way the rules of his profession?
How can we imagine that he could have played the forger by obtaining paper and vintage typewriters, to further add to the evidence he brought?
It’s ridiculous !
On the other hand, how not to recognize the high expertise of the British Secret Services, specialists in fakes and uses?!
They are perfectly equipped and motivated to produce such documents and slip them into the archives that Mr. Allen consulted!
Services which I defy to raise my accusation, by proving the contrary, for that would require them to demonstrate that His Majesty’s Government would have had no interest in destroying the reputation of a respected historian. So that there was never French military treason, and that Big Black Capital, as well as the British European Party, had nothing to do with this war!
And we understand better why I took the precaution of never, or almost never, consulting the archives, and of basing myself only on writings known to all. Works written by the best academics going completely in the direction of Mr. Allen and that the secret services of his Majesty will have great difficulty in all discrediting.
If they ever have the honesty to open them…
Another victim of this deliberate desire to cover up betrayal:
Julius Mader, German historian – whom we remember having already met in the 4th volume – author of a book on the generals who revealed the underside of the cards on the Nazi side, in particular with the written testimony of General Piekenbrock who attested that he did not there was no German 5th Column able to organize all the betrayals observed on the ground during the Battle of France such as: Displacement of civilian populations, bridges not jumped, orders for withdrawals in series, assassinations of officers and other “tanks ghosts”…
Here is what he reports of the pressures he had to undergo for having published this document denouncing, among other things, the relations between the Reich and the cartels of Big Black Capital, AGFA, IG Farben, and other mass murderers who, having established their factories in the heart of the concentration camps, used the deportees to further increase their pharaminous profits without worrying about the thousands of victims they caused: “The content of this book being explosive, the command of the secret services of the federal republic and that of the Bundeswehr were to use all the means at their disposal to prevent, or at least thwart, its publication. These networks, which continue the criminal tradition of Hitler’s generals, fear the truth as the devil fears holy water. Thus, for example, the Wehrkunde – a newspaper dealing with military problems, the official organ of the militarist society for the information of the Armies, gave this solemn warning in its columns as early as December 1966: “Very recently, Mader addressed to former officers of the Abwehr letters “from a good German” asking them to send him information, activity reports etc., intended for a documentation that he would be in the process of constituting . In fact, it is a sneak attack directed against the former Abwehr and the Federal German Information Service (one of the first secret service offices in West Germany whose power stands immediately behind that of the Chancellery itself) as well as against the book, recently published by Gert Buchheit, entitled: The German Secret Service – History of Military Defence…
Therefore, it is expressly recommended not to provide any information or documentation to addresses located in the Soviet zone (i.e. in the German Democratic Republic).
Four months later, publications issued under the aegis of the Federal Service for the Protection of the Constitution repeated this kind of warning with even more precision. It was written there:
“If you receive a letter from a certain Julius Mader, do not answer and forward it to the competent Security Services… The current work which Mader is currently working on is to be published under the following title: Hitler’s Spy Generals Depose…
From these reactions, which also underline the necessity and topicality of my work, we can objectively deduce several points:
– First, Hitler’s spy generals benefit from complicities even within West German political circles, but these accomplices are no longer unknown to us.
– Secondly, each of the former officers of the Secret Service of Hitler’s Army had the opportunity to demonstrate their break with their past and to contribute to History by telling the only Truth.
– Third, it has become clear that capitalist circles and high officials of the federal administration have an interest in keeping the past activity of a large number of Nazi war criminals in the shadows by thwarting any investigation of them. »
So of course, I can already hear the “accredited experts” affirming that this work by Mr. Mader was undoubtedly a propaganda tool for the benefit of East Germany, and that it must be placed in the context of the Cold War, before judging its validity.
If so, please answer this…
The German “submarine” is still not sunk
Indeed, concerning the privileged relations between the Nazi Reich and the “democracies” in the Anglo-Saxon style, it is not in vain to come back to yet another “forgotten detail”: The importance that the intelligence services of the Wehrmacht (Abwehr) during the Hitler period, then after the war.
Importance largely minimized since, by highlighting the action of some Democratic officers who fought with all their might against Nazism, such as Admiral Canaris, Oster, or Lahoussen, but about whom we must not forget that they were, for the only part that could be demonstrated, responsible in 12 European countries, without counting the USSR, for the execution or the deportation of 1 million 277 754 resistance fighters and anti-fascist sympathizers.
It was these Abwehr leaders, renamed anti-Communists for the purposes of the fairy tale, who were carefully protected after the war by the American government, then re-infiltrated to the highest level of responsibility in Germany from the West, such:
Joseph Müller, who became one of the Bavarian leaders of the Christian Democratic Party, or Hermann Götz, member of the executive committee of the CDU branch in Hesse, chairman of the committee for refugees, and of the working committee on “internal and external security questions” , director of the federal work community for assistance to soldiers, member of the Ackermanngemeinde within the Society of Sudeten compatriots, Member of Parliament in Bonn from 1949 and, from 1968, Chairman of the Work Commission of social policy of the CDU / CSU group in the Bundestag.
Among the early members of the FDP we also find Doctor Victor Hoven who was once captain and battalion commander in the Brandenburg division of the Abwehr, the section in charge of the liquidation of opponents, who had formed a “fifth column fascist in Belgium.
In 1954, this senior Nazi official already sat in the F.D.P. of the Land of Nordrhein-Westfalen, and in 1957 entered the Bundestag.
Another notorious example: The captain of the Abwehr 2, Theodor Oberländer, a former Nazi Gauleiter who first reappeared on the political scene as a member of the F.D.P. to then become president of the Federal Association of Refugees and Despoiled (BHE) and finally land, in 1956, in the CDU of Adenauer.
Same presence at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Vice-Admiral Léopold Bürkner, former head of the foreign service under Canaris, who in 1949 became adviser to the ministers of foreign affairs, or even Otto Wagner, alias Doctor Delius, colonel at the Abwehr and head of the K.O. of Bulgaria who, with his friend Commander Alexander Cellarius, former head of the K.O. of Finland Estonia, will become Permanent Advisors to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for South-Eastern and North-Eastern European issues.
And all of this is understandable, if we remember that these ties were not new, since these men of the Abwehr found unconditional support from the highest German representatives of international high finance, such as Hermann Abs , who became chairman and managing director of Deutsche Bank after the war and adviser to successive chancellors of the West German republic, but who occupied in 1942 as chairman of the board of directors of the state bank and representative of the IG Farben, around 40 management positions in industrial companies both in Germany and abroad. That in this capacity, and in full collaboration with the Herman Goering Werke, he exercised a direct influence on La Minière du Sud-Est (under Goering’s control) and Continental Oil (under the control of J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil by the Ohio Oil Company) in the Netherlands, in Luxembourg, in Austria, in Czechoslovakia, in Poland, in the Balkan states and within the “Russia” committee as far as the occupied territories of the Caucasus, putting the commercial and industrial information obtained by its spy services in the service of the Abwehr.
We can therefore affirm, without fear of being contradicted, that these trusts under American control, and the German secret services worked throughout the war, hand in hand, in order to organize the looting of Europe.
Here is what Dr. Ilgner, former director of the “NW 7 office” (subversion department) of IG Farben, and vice-president of the Central European Economic Committee, confessed to his contacts with the Canaris before the commission of inquiry of the American military tribunal in Nuremberg: “The Abwehr, like the service of the war economy, wanted to obtain economic information on foreign countries and was very interested in research from the department of political economy… It is true that the information of IG Farben was so complete that there was not the slightest change to be made in its methods of investigation. The political economy department of the IG was then the best and most comprehensive in Germany…”
And what better source of intelligence to identify all the goods still lootable in Europe, then to organize the control of the greatest industrial power of the continent?
Thus we understand better why in 2019, Germany suddenly seemed to discover that more than half of the politicians and senior civil servants in office in the post-war years were former active Nazis…” [1]
So while waiting for our experts to oppose other archives and testimonies to those put forward by Mr. Mader, let our witness conclude: “But the fact that in the end my book saw the light of day clearly shows that the arm of German imperialism is no longer long enough to mutilate historical truth, to prevent the revelation of facts which contribute to its knowledge.
It is in this spirit of respect for historical truth that I thank the personalities and the management of the services of the German Democratic Republic and of other countries who have provided me with effective assistance by communicating their archives to me.
I would particularly like to thank the working “team” of former intelligence officers who organized numerous contacts for me in the two Germanys and contributed, through the mass of their information, to the raw material of this work. »
End of quote (Mader German generals depose – Introduction)
Everyone knows that the list of former Nazis totally subservient to the “Liberators” and their international interests who have reached the highest positions of responsibility in the post-war German state is impressive. The only crime of M. Julius Mader was therefore to quote them, when they should have been “forgotten”.
Just as it was necessary to remove from the fairy tale the “Octagon” system set up by Allen Dulles, still at the head of the American Secret Service, using the gold stolen from the Peoples of Europe by the SS.
A network which, drawing on this “war chest” sheltered in Swiss coffers, mounted a new arms traffic to rearm Germany and gave all the financial means to the CDU to elect its candidate Konrad Adenauer in the Chancellery to lead the Cold War.
And we understand better why Adenauer replaced in command positions men such as Reinhard Gehlen, personal liaison officer in May 1940 between Field Marshal von Brauchitsch and Guderian’s army group, so a man who could only be informed of the French betrayal, to make him the head of the West German secret service and thus put hundreds of other senior Nazi officials at the service of the CIA.
Just back from the elevator…
Fortunately these historians defied the unwritten laws and, thanks to their precise and stubborn work, we were able to draw all the threads linking together the various pillars of the lie of States.
This gives us the right, today, to qualify the authors whom I have denounced in this book as “experts” in disinformation, as “deniers”.
Just like those who try to rehabilitate Hitler, or to deny Nazi crimes, their writings are, as we have seen, tainted by the same bad faith, and proceed from the same intellectual perversity.
They therefore serve a determined cause, and must be judged for what they are: counterfeiters. Then fought in public places, in order to:
“our Fatherland really become a great power again, the high moral and intellectual force necessary for humanity, which it was and must remain”.
General Gamelin – Serve Volume 1 page XV
[1] Note to the attention of curious readers, the publication in 2005 of a work of more than 700 pages, written by Mr. Ernst Klee entitled: Das Personen lexikon zum drittent Reich. Wer war was vor und nach 1945? proposing the list of thousands of Nazis who obtained post-war high positions in multinationals, or within the German government.
[2] This shell company was created in Switzerland by the arms dealer Rudolf de Ruscheweyh who had made himself known as an intermediary between the Swiss machine tool factory Oerlikon-Bührle, entirely bought between 1927 and 1929 by Herr Emil Jorg Bührle one of the officers already involved in the secret rearmament of Germany in Russia and who, since then, mainly produced anti-aircraft guns sold to both the Allies and the Axis forces. It was under this cover that Ruscheweyh was able to organize the flight of Nazi capital to tax havens and the offshore accounts of Big Black Capital.
After the war, this economically “out of control” system of “democracies” was therefore able to freely reestablish links with “American friends” through the intermediary of Allen Dulles, head of the OSS in Switzerland (ancestor of the CIA), who immediately recruited the former Nazis he needed, in particular the SS who had the upper hand on this treasure and the members of the Secret Services who had been in charge of locating the goods to be looted.
The company Octogon Trust, officially specialized in wealth management and import-export, was then responsible for organizing the flight of war criminals, especially to South America, where they will once again serve Big Black Capital, fomenting on demand the “spontaneous revolutions” or “counter-revolutions” necessary for the overthrow of governments that are too republican…. This system will be described in all its details in the volumes to be published. And for the impatient in: The Testament of Sidney Warburg.
[1] Signalons à l’attention des lecteurs curieux, la parution en 2005 d’un ouvrage de plus de 700 pages, rédigé par M. Ernst Klee intitulé : Das Personen lexikon zum drittent Reich. Wer war was vor und nach 1945 ? proposant la liste des milliers de nazis ayant obtenu après-guerre de hautes fonctions dans des multinationales, ou au sein du gouvernement allemand.
[1] [1] Cette société écran fut crée en Suisse par le marchand d’armes Rudolf de Ruscheweyh qui s’était fait connaître en tant qu’intermédiaire obligé entre l’usine suisse de machines-outils Oerlikon-Bührle, entièrement rachetée entre 1927 et 1929 par Herr Emil Jorg Bührle un des officiers déjà impliqué dans le réarmement secret de l’Allemagne en Russie et qui, depuis, produisait essentiellement des canons antiaériens vendus aussi bien aux alliés qu’aux forces de l’Axe. C’est sous cette couverture que Ruscheweyh put organiser la fuite des capitaux nazis vers les paradis fiscaux et les comptes ofshore du Grand capital noir.
Après la guerre, ce système économiquement « hors contrôle » des « démocraties » put donc librement rétablir les liens avec les « amis américains » par l’intermédiaire d’Allen Dulles, patron de l’OSS en Suisse (ancêtre de la CIA), qui recruta immédiatement les anciens nazis dont il avait besoin, en particuliers les SS ayant eu la haute main sur ce trésor et les membres des Services Secrets qui avaient été en charge de localiser les biens à piller.
La société Octogon Trust, officiellement spécialisée dans la gérance de fortune et l’import-export, fut alors chargée d’organiser la fuite des criminels de guerre, spécialement en Amérique du sud, où ils serviront à nouveau le Grand Capital noir, en fomentant à la demande les « révolutions spontanées » ou « contre-révolutions » nécessaires au renversement des gouvernements trop républicains…. Ce système sera décrit dans tous ses détails dans les tomes à paraître. Et pour les impatients dans : Le Testament de Sidney Warburg
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