Subscribe to our Newsletter to be informed of the latest progress and upcoming meetings, signing sessions, history cafés, etc.
The Angry Historians are not a structured association, but a communication tool, a platform through which we can express ourselves, according to the principles so well laid down by Barthélémy Saint-Hilaire:
“In a democracy, you need absolute freedom to express what you think. The citizen owes to the fatherland the fruit of his meditations. Socrates spends his life, and finally risks it, advising his fellow citizens, who hit him without discouraging him. The only limits to advice and criticism are the very peace of the City and the existence of the State; This is why freedom of the press holds such a place in all modern states which, in becoming free, come closer and closer to the model government of democracy. »
True Democracy – Barthélémy Saint-Hilaire
And we are well aware of our isolation. But our job is to research, to do the work of an ant, of a “bookworm”, and we devote all our time to that.
This is why we do not have time to organize the meetings, however essential, that we would like to have with you.
Fortunately, thanks to the countless people who have already supported us for twenty years, some associative projects are underway.
They will allow each interested person to join us and participate in the actions they will propose.
While waiting to be able to subscribe to their News Letter, and in order to keep you informed of these events, find us on the site of the Éditions du Mouton noir which will give you the dates of the next signing sessions, and other “Cafés d’Histoire where you can meet us.