A brief review of the 20th century

NOTE: The texts below are taken from the book: The Testament of Sidney Warburg.

To order it

The great political assassinations that have marked the century have all been ordered by these occult powers and their real motivations carefully camouflaged from the general public.

Even if their name was never involved, the men who decided them had, whatever their camp, all the occult instruments of power at their disposal for that.

Here are a few notable examples, out of hundreds:

  • Franz Ferdinand of Habsburg heir to the throne (assassinated by Princip, Serbian nationalist in 1914)
  • Jean Jaurès deputy of the socialist and pacifist Tarn (assassinated by Villain, French nationalist in 1914)
  • Louis Barthou French Minister of Foreign Affairs (assassinated in 1934 by a nationalist Ustashi)
    Engelbert Dollfuss Chancellor of Austria (murdered by the Nazis in 1934)
  • Russian intellectual and revolutionary Leon Trotsky (assassinated by the NKVD on Stalin’s orders in 1940)
  • Mahatma Gandhi Father of the Indian Nation (assassinated by Nathuram Godse, Indian nationalist in 1948)
  • J.F. Kennedy President of the United States and his brother Robert (murdered by the Mafia and the CIA, 1963 and 1968)
  • Martin Luther King Anti-segregationist pastor (assassinated in 1968 by James Earl, neo-fascist)
  • Salvador Allende President of the Republic of Chile (assassinated in 1973 by Augusto Pinochet and the CIA)
  • Aldo Moro President of the Italian Council (assassinated in 1978 by the Italian CIA-sponsored Red Brigades and SRs)
  • Anouar el-Sadat (assassinated in 1981 by Islamist nationalist Khalid Islambouli)
  • Yitzhak Rabin Israeli prime minister, Nobel Peace Prize winner (assassinated in 1995 by a Jewish extremist)
  • Boris Nemtsov, opponent of Vladimir Putin (murdered by two “unknowns” in Moscow in 2016)

And all the wars proceeded from the same logic. The study by Mr. Milton Leitenberg, working under the aegis of the Netherlands Institute of International Relations, offers us the figure, both staggering and elusive for the human mind, of 231 million victims of conflicts, during of the 20th century alone.

Starting from these universally accepted and recognized figures, I propose, in order to escape their abstraction, to establish a short nomenclature of the most significant:

  • Between 1900 and 1908: 4 million deaths in the Belgian Congo. That is the price of successful colonization and access to the fabulous diamond deposits and other raw materials of this country.
    From 1909 to 1916: The Mexican revolution will make 1 million victims, one of its stakes, in addition to a better distribution of the lands, was the concession of the oil fields, finally obtained by the Standard Oil of Mr. Rockefeller.
  • Between 1914 and 1918: The First World War was provoked mainly by England and France, in order to prevent Germany, an emerging power, from appropriating certain other colonies to the detriment of the great existing Empires, and from opening up a route to the east and China. Official balance sheet: Between 13 and 15 million dead. The conflict colossally enriched the same Standard Oil as well as, on the British side, Mr Henri Deterding’s Shell, and in general the arms trusts that we find at the heart of all the conflicts of the century.
  • From 1915 to 1916: The Armenian Genocide will claim the lives of 1.2 million people.
  • From 1918 to 1922: The civil war in Russia will make more than 12.5 million victims. One of the major stakes of this “forgotten” conflict was for the Western countries which took part in it (the USA, Great Britain and France) the free access to the immense wealth, in particular oil of this country. Here again, Shell and Standard Oil, but also the other trusts they controlled, were at the forefront of those concerned.
  • In the 1930s: The USSR Gulagen, the famine in Ukraine (6 million dead), and the Japanese invasion of China claimed other millions of victims. For the Japanese, it was a question of opening up access to raw materials, which the richest region of China concealed.
  • From 1936 to 1939: The Spanish Civil War claimed 600,000 souls. As a price for his participation in the conflict, Hitler obtained almost unlimited access to the country’s precious metal mines, an essential factor in the Nazi Reich’s rearmament effort.
  • Between 1939 and 1945, the Second World War alone caused between 65 and 75 million deaths. Here again, the war goal was the end of the communist regime in the USSR, and therefore the reopening of the Russian market to “free enterprise”, that is to say the unlimited exploitation of the country’s wealth by large companies. multinationals.
  • In the early 1950s, the Korean War cost 2 to 5 million human beings. It was the first conflict of a Cold War that would continue until 1989, adding millions of casualties on dozens of “minor” fronts.
  • From 1962 to 1975, the only American war brought to Vietnam and neighboring countries, will cost the lives of a million communist fighters and 4 million civilians, in Vietnam alone.
    At the same time the wars of liberation: Indochina, Algeria will bring their contingent.
  • Between 1949 and 1976: 46.5 million Chinese will be killed in the various campaigns under the Chinese communist dictatorship of Mao Zedong. Figure resulting, as in the USSR, both from the fighting between the communist and “anti-communist” armies, and from the various famines caused by the disastrous management of these countries and the blockade of the capitalist powers. Again, the only real motive was the reopening of a closed market to the exploitation of international trusts and cartels.
  • Then, between 1969 and 1970, there were the 2 million deaths of the Nigeria-Biafra civil war. The challenge for the great powers arming the belligerents is once again free access to the mineral wealth of these countries. This logic provoked underhand:
  • In 1971, the million and a half victims for the independence of Bangladesh.
  • Between 1975 and 1979 the extermination of 1.5 to 2.5 million Cambodians by Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge. This time communist ideological “blunder”…
  • From 1980 to 1988: There are between 500,000 and 1.2 million victims during the Iran-Iraq war. The challenge: Access to oil. Main stakeholders: Shell, Standard-Oil, its many shell companies, and still the largest arms trading trusts.
  • Between 1983 and 2000: 2 million deaths in Sudan. 800,000 in Rwanda and 350,000 in Somalia. Once again, the conflicts were desired, organized and financed by the same interests.

To finish this short presentation in beauty, Mr. Milton Leitenberg reminds us that the period 1914-1947 alone was “the most deadly period in the whole history of humanity with 100 to 200 million violent deaths on a planet then populated by about 2 billion living beings.”

So much for the 20th century alone.

In reality, these wars, like all those that have existed since the beginning of humanity, have never had any other causes than the lure of profit. Whether an attempt was made to seize the original lentil dish, or the lands, women, slaves, wealth of its neighbors, no one, ever, has waged war for any other reason. The only engine powerful enough to drive such risk-taking, and such massacres, is, and always will be, the greed of some, and the total lack of scruples of dictators, politicians, and all those who are subservient to them.

Thus, the lie presides in politics. None, or almost none, of its actors hesitates for a moment to lie to the voters as soon as they deem it necessary, legitimizing this lie by the adage “Who wants the end wants the means” and, as in the end he is the candidate who carries the solution and will “save the country”, or “redress the situation”, after all, whatever the most elementary morality matters.

Besides, the People are today so accustomed to lies that the newspaper Le Point, at the time of the French presidential elections of 2012, was reduced to headline: “Who lies the least?”…

In the same vein, it is common knowledge that concealment does not only serve their personal interests, or even those of powerful pressure groups, but that it is an essential component of the functioning of States, and this regardless of either the party, or the man, in power, whatever form of government the country even adopts. From the most unbridled totalitarianism to the most open democracy, passing through the banana republics, or the “revolutionary” governments, all, without the smallest exception, have adopted the principle of “state secrecy” as the necessary basis for smooth running of the world. In reality, all the men who have reached the head of these states lie for the sole purpose that nothing change the logic that led them to power.

Here again, the Truth is not a given. The Peoples are, abused, betrayed.

And to take up our refrain: No one ignores it.

End of quote (The Testament of Sidney Warburg)